Kamis, 27 Januari 2011
I am a very emotional person, and often gets easily moved with simple pictures, songs or movie..
There is nothing I hold dear and proud than for the very fact that I was born in Indonesia and raised as an Indonesian.
Although it might be out of place and time to discuss about Indonesia now as it has long past August..
but as we always say in Indonesian: ” like like me” or “suka suka gue”
So here is my Top ten reason on why I am proud to be an Indonesian.
- I could eat one of the tastiest food in the world! Nothing beats the sayur asem, the rujak pedes, the pecel ayam, pecel lele (idea from Yoan), rawon, tempe, rendang, saksang and susu horbo the various kinds of sotos..
- We are the fourth largest nation in term of population! Many retarded people do not know this fact, that if we would all pee at the same time, Singapore would drowned and so will Malaysia..
- Indonesia had a Women president! No, Not even USA and her buddy had this shit before… and you talk about equal rights and spreading democracy…
- Indonesia is the PowerHouse in Badminton! We are good at hitting our opponents cock…
- Indonesia is arguably the ONLY region in South East Asia to participate in the Soccer WorldCup! I am not pulling your legs! We did it in 1930
- The creator of a phenomenal Social Networking site in Japan, Mixi.jp is Indonesian, His name is Batara Eto and you can see prove here
- We have one of the best songs in the world! Indonesia Raya, Potong bebek angsa, Baloenku ada lima, Sephia, haruskah ku mati, Even Stupid Malaysian wanted our songs and food, Source: here and here
- We have one of the World Heritage! Borobudur Temple, Central Java
- Our people, although lazy, have the will and determination to succeed! We fought our gun carrying colonizers with sharpened bamboos..Call us crazy, but that’s courage ma’boy..
- The Fact that me, Khoirul Mustofa can write in this blog, shows how superior we are in the IT world..Maybe Not.. but Like Like me dong!
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Entri Populer
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4 komentar:
di poin no. 2, ngakak gua! bangga ama kepadatan penduduk... wkwkwk
itu kebanggaan juga BRO,
point nomor 9, although lazy hahahahaha
memang dengan malas kita semua bertekad untuk maju
hahaha malas hasilnya adalah berhenti, kalau maju ya jangan malas
bgitulah realitanya,
malas jaman taun 45 sama jaman taun 2012 udah laen klas nya kale???
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